Why Voting is Necessary?

Eastern Crescent
5 Min Read

Why Voting is Necessary?

By: Mohammad Taukir Rahmani

EC Exclusive

After a prolonged struggle marked by the unyielding determination of countless men and women, poor and rich, youth and elderly people, India attained independence in 1947 and proudly emerged as the world’s largest democracy. The Constitution of India grants its citizens the right to vote, elect and choose their leaders as it is mentioned under the Article 326. Voting is a duty upon all citizens who live in a democratic country to use their suffrage and assist their country towards betterment.

There are three kinds of voters:

(1) Government Employees, mostly they find less time to enjoy with family and visit different places, hence, they consider election time as holiday and an opportunity for leisure time. The so-called elite and corporate class is also in this group who instead of queuing just for a few minutes to vote, prefer to stay away from the process of government making only due to slothfulness.

(2) The discerning, conscientious, and civic-minded segment of the electorate, however, embodies a contrasting ethos. Possessing a keen understanding of the prevailing socio-political landscape, these individuals diligently scrutinize all parties and candidates, meticulously weighing their merits and demerits before casting their ballot in favor of the candidate deemed most beneficial for the nation’s welfare.

In this tapestry of democratic expression, the choice to embrace civic responsibility and actively participate in the electoral process emerges as a defining characteristic, shaping the destiny of the nation with each ballot cast.

Why Voting is Necessary?

(3) The third tier consists of backwards and residents of slum or very poor rural areas who do not realize the importance and weight of their vote, they believe that once they have cast their vote, they have fulfilled their civic duty and are no longer responsible for holding their elected officials accountable. Some people among these individuals cast their ballots in exchange for petty cash or meager means and some vote for a party based on the empty promises or threat of influential people in politics and society assuming that their civic duty is to simply abide by the orders of those powerful people around them. These individuals are often unaware of the power they hold through their vote and are easily swayed away by little money, intimidation or other incentives. This does have a significant impact on the outcome of elections and the policies that are enacted in a democratic system, especially in India.

The responsibility lies on educated and second tier people to address the issue of voter apathy and by promoting civic engagement, it can help to ensure that all voices are heard in the democratic process. These second type of voters can be a hallmark and trendsetters for both the first category and the third category of aforementioned voters which would ultimately strengthen real spirit of a democracy – ‘a government of the people, by the people and for the people.’

Why Voting is Necessary?

One vote may change the government, is a fact, people should be confident about it.

Some people don’t go to vote assuming that what my one vote would do or not do? And the sad reality is that millions of people think in this way which is already observed following the first and second phases of polling dated on 19th and 26th of April, respectively, during this Lok Sabha Election 2024.

Why Voting is Necessary?

It is noteworthy that when all these millions of people avoid voting, then the unpopular, incompetent, hate mongering, and self-serving candidates keep winning elections and we suffer the consequences of poor leadership and utter misgovernance in the Centre. A ballot is more powerful than a bullet in all genuine democratic system in the world. By casting vote, voters have the ability to show the exit door to an incompetent government and bring about a positive change in leadership. No ruling party will remain complacent about its poor performance if it knows that voters would use their power to show them the way out. Casting vote, especially in this ongoing election in India, is an urgent call to save the country and its democracy from mobocracy and a long term dictatorship. May the Indians come out and elect their representatives for India during these next five phases of voting before it is too late.

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